2022 Talks

The multilingual brain: what happens when we learn another language and how that can benefit us physiologically and cognitively — Stefani Kostadinova

Multilingualism, whether it involves speaking two or more languages, is becoming more widespread. Currently, the topic is an issue of intensive research among neuroscientists and cognition scientists. My paper offers a review of what is currently known about the topic, as will my presentation. So far, researchers have not found any negative effects of multilingualism; on the contrary, multiple experiments point to the benefits that it brings. First, I will discuss the delaying effect of multilingualism on Alzheimer’s disease and age-related cognitive decline. Second, I will explain the structural changes in the brain as a result of speaking a foreign language. Third, I will explore the cognitive benefits that multilingualism brings and the reasons behind them. Finally, the questions that still need to be answered in future research are discussed. The potential benefits of multilingualism to society at large are also described.

(REC) Ni De Aqui, Ni De Alla: How I Became Bilingual In 2 Countries — Miguel Ariza

My presentation will be about my journey becoming bilingual in 2 countries, learning about my family’s culture and taking in the local culture of New York City. I’ve encountered some difficulties along the way, which I’ll speak about, and I’ll also explain the benefits and consequences of being bilingual and being bicultural, as well as offering some tips on how you can raise a bilingual child.

A Whole New World- A Social Initiative in Transforming English Learning Journeys for Underprivileged Children — Ivan Yong Wei Kit

A Gift of GENUS is a social initiative that has impacted and encouraged more than 300 underprivileged children in 9 countries to learn English as a second language.

We are committed to transform the learning experience of underprivileged children by providing an interactive online English for learning platform and enabling independent learning beyond classroom. Through independent learning journeys, they feel empowered to be responsible for their learning and are motivated to explore their interests. Valuable learning experiences lead to a whole new world of success in school and life.

Understanding Vulnerable languages of India — Devina Krishna

The present work deals with the issue of vulnerability found among the languages of the Indian subcontinent. India is a diverse nation with multiplicity of languages and cultures. Many of these languages are in the state of endangerment , vulnerability or extinction. It is worrisome that
at least 5 Indian languages are extinct, and 10 have less than 100 speakers all over the country. 197 languages in India are either vulnerable, endangered or extinct. Therefore, this becomes a major issue to address and act upon in the present times. It is time that steps should be taken to preserve and safeguard the languages of the nation that are subject to risk and vulnerability. The present work raises the readers’ awareness about the vulnerable languages of the Indian nation and also draws attention to the methods and preservation schemes through which languages could be documented and saved for future generations.

Australian Aboriginal Languages in the 21st Century — Brian Loo Soon Hua

The ancient languages of Australia form the very core of Aboriginal culture. Endowed with a complex and extremely detailed repertoire of tribal laws, songs, stories and sayings, these languages encode the entire wealth of cultural knowledge as well as the history of some of the oldest peoples on Earth. In this talk, we will examine the various efforts to preserve, revitalise and more importantly, to make these languages relevant into the 21st Century and beyond. Some of the languages discussed will be Warlpiri, Arrernte and Walmajarri.

(REC) Singlish: Language At Its Most Efficient — Xing-Yi Loy

Singlish, believed by Singaporeans to be the most efficient language, has carried great social significance for us as the language that has united our nation. In this talk, we hope to introduce Singlish to the world and demonstrate the efficiency and beauty of the language to our audience.

Language Diaries: How to Stay Organised and Help Researchers — Yan Aleshkevich-Suslov

This is an extended version of the talk that I gave at the Polyglot Gathering 2022. I will demonstrate several designs for digital language diaries to keep track of your language activity to help you stay organised, focused, to see how much progress you have made, and I will also talk about how such diaries can assist language researchers. In addition, we will look at other potential ways of using technology to help you stay on track, proposed in part by the viewers from the Polyglot Gathering.

(REC) Mesoamerica Hoy: La diversidad cultural y lingüística en México y Centroamérica — Maximo Gonzalez

El objetivo de esta presentación es explorar el tema de la diversidad de los pueblos e idiomas que han existido y siguen existiendo en México y en la región centroamericana, ya que no hay mucha claridad sobre ello. Aunque el enfoque es en el tema lingüístico, se verá desde un punto tanto histórico como moderno con otras observaciones geográficas, sociales, políticas, económicas y demográficas para mejor entender el contexto de la situación.

En la actualidad hay cerca de 30 millones de personas que se identifican como nativos, de los cuales alrededor de la mitad habla un idioma nativo. En total hay 300 idiomas que se siguen hablando y cabe destacar que estos pertenecen a diversas familias lingüísticas. Esto representa un patrimonio cultural inigualable para todos que vale la pena al menos apreciar.

Las diapositivas están escritas en inglés y la presentación será en español.

(REC) ¿Cómo traducir obras literarias a lenguas indígenas? — Alberto Gil Alegre

En esta presentación trataré de aportar algunas claves sobre cómo enfrentarse a la traducción de obras literarias a lenguas indígenas, atendiendo a los problemas que esta tarea habitualmente presenta (como la equivalencia de conceptos, el sociolecto y la lengua de educación del traductor o el uso de préstamos lingüísticos). Para ello recurriremos a una lengua indígena que nos servirá como ejemplo: el quechua, y exploraremos la traducción de El Principito a dicho idioma para observar casos concretos de problemas de traducción.

El objetivo principal de esta exposición es mostrar que incluso las lenguas sin tradición escrita pueden expresar conceptos intelectuales complejos. El buen criterio del traductor a la hora de recurrir a préstamos, neologismos o paráfrasis puede contribuir a trasladar términos abstractos sin traducción unívoca a la lengua meta y esto, a su vez, contribuirá a generar una tradición de profundo valor intelectual para los hablantes de la lengua indígena en cuestión.

(REC) Learning Ukrainian, make a difference — Timothy Douglas

As the Hyperpolyglot Activist Dr. Carlos Yebra Lopez says “Learn Languages, make a difference!” and he’s right! Due to the recent tragic events in Ukraine, there is a pressing need for people with knowledge of Ukrainian to help those displaced from Ukraine, including the translation of medical and other documents, support in matters connected with everyday life, and simply by showing appreciation for their language and culture. As polyglots, we love learning languages and can learn more quickly than the average person; maybe we should use our skill to learn the languages of those who need support?
This talk is a personal story about how the invasion of Ukraine led me to start learning the language, become a volunteer translator for an organization which provides linguistic help to refugees, made friends with displaced Ukrainians and organized a conference on how to learn Ukrainian to help people – and how the whole process helped me to learn Ukrainian!

Heritage language, the deconstruction of language hierarchies — Anna Becker

In this talk, I will present findings of multiple studies I have conducted during my doctoral work focusing on the promotion of heritage language, the deconstruction of language hierarchies, the amelioration of working conditions of minority language teachers, and the effort to raise awareness of a ‘selective celebration of linguistic diversity.’ I advocate true multilingualism, its representation through policies, practices, and open mindsets by everyone, and especially us polyglots.

(REC) Translation³ (TranslationCubed): A bilingual language learning method for faster comprehension and intuitive language acquisition — David Allen Martin II

In my 15+ years of experience learning languages and teaching them to students from all over the world, I’ve seen time and again how traditional language learning materials force language learners to struggle to understand because little to none of the content is translated into the learners’ native language (except in the form of inconveniently located vocabulary lists), thus requiring them to spend lots of time looking up the meanings of words and leaving less time to enjoy and employ their target language.

In my talk, I would like to present my 3-level bilingual language learning method that I call Translation³ (TranslationCubed), which experience has demonstrated helps students to learn languages faster, more efficiently and with more fun because they can start enjoying authentic content from Day 1 thanks to multi-level translations into their language.

The name Translation³ refers to the fact that there are 3 levels of translation to help you to learn faster. *Level 1: An idiomatic translation of the foreign language sentence so you understand the intended meaning immediately. *Level 2: A literal translation of every foreign word so that you intuitively understand the syntax. *Level 3: A “reverse” translation, which I call A.R.T. (Active Reverse Translation), from your mother tongue into your target language that helps you to start thinking in the foreign language sooner and to actively use and remember the vocabulary that you’ve learned in the context of sentences.

Learners who employ Translation³ to learn foreign languages save time, learn more efficiently and internalize the grammar of the foreign language more rapidly and intuitively thanks to these readily available translations into their native language.

HEl aprendizaje holístico de idiomas: Curiosidad, Innovación y Bienestar — Lina Vasquez

Tenemos una brecha en nuestro sistema educativo. Hay un abismo que se está formando a base de una plataforma construida por la revolución industrial. Nos hemos enamorado tanto del progreso de la tecnología que hemos pasado por alto a una generación de alumnos a los que se les ha despojado de su identidad.

Como resultado, los primeros años de la vida adulta los pasamos desaprendiendo las estandarizaciones mecánicas que han ligado nuestro valor a las estrellas doradas y a los resultados de nuestros boletines de notas de la escuela.

Además, a menudo se diagnostican las dificultades de un alumno como resultado de una falta de motivación, de una memoria defectuosa o de no haber encontrado todavía los recursos adecuados para el aprendizaje. ¡Nada más lejos de la realidad!

¿Qué pasaría si el aprendizaje pudiera realizarse de una manera que desintegre cualquier barrera existente, empoderando al alumno en la forma en que mejor aprende mientras desarrolla la mente, el cuerpo, la energía, las emociones y la conciencia?

Este es el proceso del Aprendizaje Holístico de Idiomas. Utilizamos un método equilibrado. Esto te permite maximizar tu potencial como estudiante y como ser humano, sin exportar tu identidad a una institución.

Durante esta plática, exploramos tres aspectos fundamentales del Aprendizaje Holístico de Lenguas y abordaremos los problemas actuales del aprendizaje de idiomas. Además, se demostrará cómo este método es fundamental para cerrar la brecha en nuestros sistemas educativos. Como resultado, seremos más capaces de crear un futuro conectado y próspero si comprendemos nuestra naturaleza multidimensional.

The Importance of Language Access in Emergency Preparedness — Wendy Robinson

When people think about language services, they generally think of interpreters sitting in a booth at a multinational conference or translators painstakingly translating works of literature. However, what about language services used during a natural disaster or as a city recovers from a devastating hurricane? Clearly communicating emergency warnings and information is essential for any community, yet what happens when a group within the community does not speak the official language and does not have access to the resources they need to prepare?

The U.S., my home country, has a diverse and multilingual population. Among many of our communities, there is a gap in language access during emergencies for non-English speaking residents. Take the case of Hurricane Katrina which hit New Orleans, Louisiana, in 2005: during the disaster, information was disseminated only in English, which meant that immigrants who did not speak English became vulnerable and, therefore, easily excluded from government response and recovery efforts. Confusion and miscommunication – a possibility even among native English speakers when panic ensues – can then become a matter of life and death.

My goal for this presentation is to highlight the importance of this issue and to touch on some of the work I am doing to educate colleagues and my community about language access in emergency preparedness. The U.S. has a strength in multilingualism and should use this as a way to better develop critical emergency resources at the national, regional, state, and local levels.

My journey as a polyglot teenager — Zahra Mirsadeghi

I started learning languages when I was 5 years old and now, at the age of 17, I can speak in 7 languages plus 2 languages conversationally. I’d like to share my tips and tricks for staying motivated and balancing languages and school chores, as well as some tips for self-study.

Te Reo Māori: Revitalizing our language — Amelia Butler

Due to massive revitalization efforts, Te Reo Māori, the indigenous language of Aotearoa New Zealand, is no longer on the brink of extinction. However, there was a point in time where it was. Join Amelia Butler, founder of Learn Māori Abroad, as she shares the history of the language as well as her personal story about her journey with Te Reo Māori as it relates to the revitalization of the language.

Multilingual OSINT und die Suchmaschinen dieser Welt — Tatjana Kiefer

We will have a look at how people searching the WWW for information are experiencing the web when using Google compared to Naver (네이버 // (South) Korea) compared to Yandex (Яндекс // Russia) with excursions into gathering information in a greener fashion while planting trees via Ecosia and how to search the internet of things (IoT) using Shodan. Welcome to the intersection of natural languages and hacking!

Zusätzlich werden wir uns anschauen, warum deutschsprachige Facebook User etwas schwierig(er) auffindbar sind und über die kulturellen Gründe sprechen weshalb Japaner:innen eher Facebook denn LinkedIn für die Jobsuche nutzen.
(Spoiler: ユーザーの行動の違いは非常に顕著です。)

This presentation will feature bilingual slides in English and German as well as a multilingual presentation in English, German, and additional languages matching the search engines and social media sites under investigation. Let’s have a look at what is normal to us polyglots (in many cases) but a highly desired skillset in the world of global social media intelligence (SOCMINT) and open-source intelligence (OSINT).
This talk will be given by a technologist who has been doing multilingual SOCMINT and OSINT for friends who wanted to attend Japanese fashion schools, even before the term “OSINT” was widely used, back when the internet was still young.

How To Foster Multilingualism in Early Childhood Using the Language-Rich Approach — Pancha French

Research has shown that children of lower-income, less-educated parents typically start school with poorer language skills than their more privileged counterparts. These socioeconomic status differences can already emerge by 18 months of age.

Research has also shown that an infant exposed to a Language-Rich environment is one of the most important factors for brain development and for reducing this Achievement Gap (the disparity in academic performance between different groups of socio-economic students).

Other studies have found that exposure to more than one language from birth through childhood can actually make a person smarter. The reason for this is that the brain is forced to work harder as it develops, strengthening a child’s prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain where executive function resides. Accordingly, bilingual children are better able to focus, plan, prioritize and make decisions. As children get older they tend to score higher on cognitive tests and possess more effective communication skills. Bilingualism has also been found to help prevent dementia in old age.

My presentation will show how to combine the benefits of a Language-Rich approach together with Bilingualism from birth to not only enhance a child’s language ability but also to enrich their cognitive development.

I draw from my experience growing up multilingual, homeschooling multilingual children, and my extensive research in education to provide a framework to help new families grow our next generation of #bilingualbabies to reduce the Achievement Gap and to set each child on their own unique path with their enhanced mental and intellectual capabilities.

The Arabic Language — Maria Pakkala

Arabic has a reputation for being one of the world’s hardest languages mainly because of its diglossic nature i.e., the fact that Arabic speaking people use a standard variant in formal situations and their mother tongue, which is usually not a written variant, in their daily life. I argue that Arabic, just like any other language, can be acquired fairly easily provided one uses the proper strategies and makes use of the wide varieties of possibilities available today. In my presentation, I will answer questions such as which variant should one learn and why? How intelligible are Arabic variants? When should one learn Modern Standard Arabic? How easy is it to learn Arabic after other semitic languages? Where should one go to study Arabic? Etc.

(REC) O tronco Macro-Jê — Flávia Scaldelai da Silva Rezende

O tronco Macro-Jê e o tronco Tupi são os únicos troncos de línguas indígenas do território brasileiro. As demais línguas indígenas catalogadas são pertencentes apenas a famílias ou, em alguns casos, nem mesmo a famílias: são línguas únicas.

Os povos Jê eram considerados pelos portugueses como povos de catequese e conquista difíceis, e foram brutalmente combatidos e assassinados. Alguns povos desapareceram de maneira tão completa que línguas e culturas se perderam, carecendo hoje de registros.

Durante esta apresentação eu falarei um pouco a respeito dos indígenas que ainda resistem, e também um pouco de suas línguas.

Endangered Alphabets: What Can We Do Rather Than Watch Them Vanish? — Tim Brookes

While the field of endangered languages is, quite rightly, working hard and growing, virtually no attention is being paid to marginalized or suppressed indigenous and minority writing systems. This talk will survey activity in this area, recount what the Endangered Alphabets Project has been working on, and identify important Script Warriors around the world. With slides and, actually, a certain amount of humor.

The Challenges & Rewards of managing pan-european Social Media projects — Monika Strell

Working and managing Social Media teams and clients in a pan-european setting comes with plenty of everyday challenges, and rewards. From understanding the cultural
dynamics within teams, and in customer relationships, to getting a grasp of how humour works in different languages and contexts – like talking about chocolate, or financial products – there is never a boring moment. I will share some stories from my more than 15 years of experience in this line of work, and how my own background and experience as an Austrian who moved around Europe to work in academia, the not-for-profit sector and Social Media has influenced my management and communication style.

Les bénéfices, les défis et les astuces pour démarrer une chaîne YouTube sur les langues. — Bong Sou

Lors de cette présentation, je vais tenter d’expliquer en quoi la conception de vidéos peut aider à l’apprentissage des langues, notamment en forçant l’écoute de soi et la répétition. Je vais également donner des conseils aux personnes qui souhaitent se lancer mais qui ne savent pas exactement comment s’y prendre. Les outils disponibles sur le marché, l’algorithme mais aussi la recherche d’un concept qui permet de se démarquer des autres YouTubeurs qui partagent la même niche. Je vais également survoler les autres opportunités qui s’ouvrent aux YouTubeurs.

J’illustrerais mes propos en parlant de mon expérience personnelle et en la comparant à d’autres influenceurs du même domaine. Si possible, je souhaite représenter la francophonie d’Amérique du Nord, en utilisant le français comme langue de présentation. Sinon, je serai aussi heureux de le faire en anglais.

How my son went from reluctant reader to avid independent reader in 3 languages — Yoshito Darmon-Shimamori

For a multilingual child, speaking all their languages enables them to connect with their family. But being able to read and write plays an important role in the way they build their identity. When they visit their relatives in different countries, understanding everything written around them as well as what is say make them feel part of the community. And by becoming independent readers, our children can develop their range of vocabulary, and satisfy their curiosity by accessing on their own all kinds of information and resources IN ALL THEIR LANGUAGES.
In this presentation, I will share my son’s journey going from reluctant reader in English (school language) to avid and independent reader in English, French, and Korean. You will learn about the learning curves and the key elements that helped us on the journey, as well as the main resources I have used and developed.

Cultural Educators & Advisors: How to Get Found and Hired — Meghan Gardner

In this talk, Meghan Gardner from Guardian Adventures, will detail how Cultural Educators and Advisors can be hired by media, entertainment, and recreation companies when these companies are portraying characters or stories from the educator’s own culture or lived experience.

Language learning as a supportive act — Patrick Lencastre

My story with the Ukrainian language plus tips and tricks to learn it

Chat with Luca — Luca Lampariello

Richard chats with Luca and they take your questions LIVE!

Chat with Elisa — Elisa Polese

Richard chats with Elisa and they take your questions LIVE!

Chat with Steve — Steve Kaufmann

Richard chats with Steve and they take your questions LIVE!

Chat with Judith — Judith Meyer

Richard chats with Judith and they take your questions LIVE!

Chat with Stu Jay — Stu Jay Raj

Richard chats with Stu Jay and they take your questions LIVE!

Chat with Lindsay — Lindsay Williams

Richard chats with Lindsay and they take your questions LIVE!

Chat with Anja — Anja Spilker

Richard chats with Anja and they take your questions LIVE!

Chat with Desta — Desta Haile

Richard chats with Desta and they take your questions LIVE!

Chat with Lindie — Lindie Botes

Richard chats with Lindie and they take your questions LIVE!

Revitalising The Cornish Language — Lianne Wilson

Richard chats with Lianne about the work she does in the Cornish language community to revitalise and energise the learning community. A talk that can be applied ot other language communities to show you how to bolster language reference materials for speakers and learners alike.

Advocating for the Mauritian Creole Language Amongst the Youth — Krishna Pentayah

The presentation will focus on how the youth advocates for their Mother Tongue through the Sov Lanatir environmental organisation. The presentation will also highlight the importance of language in environmental conservation.

The second part will focus on the first scientific book written in the Mauritian Creole language and the corresponding barriers opposing the proper advancement of the language.

Chat with Tim — Tim Keeley

Richard chats with Tim and they take your questions LIVE!

Didza Xidza, una lengua Zapoteca hablada en la Sierra Norte de Oaxaca. — Rayo Cruz

Actualmente, el zapoteco es una de las lenguas indígenas con mayor número de hablantes en México, y es la número 1 en Oaxaca. Existen aproximadamente un millón de hablantes de esta lengua originaria, principalmente en el estado de Oaxaca, pero también una gran población de migrantes en otras ciudades del país y los Estados Unidos.
Es por ello que el colectivo Bëni Xidza, ha decidido ofrecer un curso básico que permita a los interesados conocer este idioma y aprender las palabras y expresiones más básicas del Zapoteco, sus carecterísticas y su situación actual, así como sus desafíos en el mundo contemporáneo.
Este curso consta de 20 sesiones de una hora; dos clases semanales, durante 10 semanas; o sea, dos meses y medio. En total son 20 horas de formación donde los participantes interactúan con la lengua a través de diferentes actividades como juegos y cantos, además del uso de herramientas interactivas en la web.
Este curso se realiza dos veces al año; en el periodo de Primavera (enero – mayo) y en Otoño (agosto – diciembre). El horario y la fecha de las clases varía según el periodo, pero siempre se ajusta a la disponibilidad de los participantes.
También ofrecemos clases particulares y pesonalizadas para las personas que así lo requieran; además de asesoría en temas lingüísticos y culturales sobre lenguas y pueblos indígenas.
El curso es abierto al público en general, está diseñando para personas

Chat with Dan — Dan Mirea

Richard chats with Dan and they take your questions LIVE!

Dan Mirea is an educational content creator on TikTok, where he strives through his videos to make psychology and linguistics fun and accessible. He is eager to tell us more about why Tiktok is an awesome platform to create language-related content, for linguists and polyglots alike!

(LIVE) Reclaiming My Mother Tongue: The Struggles of a First Generation Immigrant — Avishta Seeras

Avishta takes us on a personal journey through her experiences moving from one side of the world to another and the experiences she had that came with that change.

How Education Systems (can) Make Way for New Polgylots — Lukas Brach

The presentation is going to be about how education systems of different continents differ when it comes to language learning and education. Some systems rely heavily on extracurricular activites, some systems have mandatory language learning. I want to open up a discussion about how we, as language learners, can influence these systems and how we could potentially improve certain aspects of language education.

The Future of Language Tech — Ọpẹyemi Ademols

The use of digital technology for the growth of the African language and other languages around the world is important. There’s more to languages. As a result, we seek to raise awareness and educate the public on how language technology can play a tremendous role – voice especially – in securing a place for the future of languages that aren’t mainstream in technology.

Flexible Linguistic and Cultural Identities: Becoming a Chameleon — Tim Keeley

I will focus on how constructing robust linguistic and cultural identities corresponding with the new languages you learn and use is essential to approximate sounding like a native speaker of the target languages.

Learning languages (French) via podcasting and action-oriented approach — Aurelie Delahalle Jackson

How listening to podcast can be more than listening comprehension, but an action-oriented approach that help learners accomplish tasks in their target language.

How to Organize a Language Conference — Juliano Timbó Martins & João Paulo, and Robson Ribeiro

As a co-founder and current main organizer of a language conference in Brazil, called Poliglotar, I’d like to explain about my experience of organizing 6 editions of this event since 2016. How to find the speakers? Who is the target audience? In which venues and platforms can such an event take place? How much does it cost? What may emerge from such gatherings? We will discuss about these and other details of a polyglot event.

Lily Liu — "Giving Birth to My Mother into English"

In this session, Lily Liu, a literary translator, will speak about how using a tape recorder helped her when she first began translating from Chinese into English. As a 1.5-generation immigrant to the United States, Lily spoke basic Mandarin with her family but could not read it easily. When she started to translate her mother’s memoir into English, Lily had her parents read Chapter 1 into a tape recorder. Because her listening comprehension was high, Lily could then translate the essay and got it published.

Sustaining a Culture Community on Clubhouse — Felene Cayetano

Since July 2021, a small dedicated group of Garifuna people with connections to Honduras, Belize, Guatemala, St. Vincent and the United States have been meeting on Clubhouse weekly. The first consistent room has been a collaborative learning and advocacy space to discuss history, traditional food, health and the arts.

KidsLipi - a language learning platform - enhancing kids’ language learning experience! — Samir Patel

Kids who learn a second language face many challenges and one of the challenges is practicing a language at home. KidsLipi provides a solution to this challenge. KidsLipi allows teachers with a language curriculum to create personalized content and deliver it through a mobile app. The platform enables kids to access the class material in the mobile app while at home and reinforces what they learned during the class. I started KidsLipi to help my son learn the foundation of Gujarati, my mother tongue, and his heritage language. Today, the app supports five languages: Hindi, Gujarati, Sanskrit, Telugu, and Tamil. Join the session and learn my journey towards building the platform and helping teachers teach a second language more effectively. To learn more about KidsLipi, visit https://www.kidslipi.com.

Learn Catalan through Spanish, Italian and French — Matias Barmat

I will teach my audience some Catalan words and phrases, and a lot vocabulary through songs and folk stories in that they can easily decode. I will make my audience listen some Spanish, French and Italian songs as well, and make them compare their grammars with Catalan in an immersive, interactive and funny way.

Clube Poliglota Brasil: a change for people learn and practice languages. — Renata Barbosa Almeida & Jurobola

We are a group of volunteers helping people to language learning and practicing more accessible all over the country and spreading it in the continent, especially during the pandemic.

Using Twitter to learn and maintain languages — Timothy Douglas

Tweeting to kill two birds with one stone: using Twitter to connect with fellow language learners and improve your languages! This will be a personal story about how thanks to Twitter, I joined a hyperpolyglot society, met like minded language enthusiasts, improved my languages and was inspired to learn new ones!

Revitalizing the Quechua Language and Culture. — Luz Vargas

Revitalizing and valuing the Quechua language is sciential to empower its speakers so that we can preserve our language and be integrated in the society.

Linguistic Prejudice: what kind of bias do we promote in the language learning process? — Bianca Pinto

English is used as a Lingua Franca all over the world, however people are still not used to its variations. Different accents or creole englishes are never represented in media, and when they are it’s always pejorative. An accent represents a culture, and some cultures are always inferiorized, so that’s xenofobia. All this puts pressure over English learners, who feel that they are never good enough as speakers. Media, in general, and also teachers and language schools are all responsible for that, but we all can change some attitudes. We should make variations more visible, acceptable and respected.

Translation and technology: Perspectives for the future of the profession — Juliano Timbó Martins

Let’s talk about which new technologies and ways of working exist for translators and interpreters, and how the market is going on right now and in the next few years.

Ancient Writing Systems: A Workshop on Decipherment — Olga Olina

The invention of writing gave humanity a history. But who created the first writing and why? And how did it work? Learn about the ancient writing systems from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor, decipher a Viking inscription with Nordic runes and write your name in Old Persian cuneiform!

Sensibilização intercultural — Luciana Lousada

Como incluir a sensibilização cultural nas aulas de idiomas. (#interculturalidade #plurilinguismo #ensinodeidiomas)

From Polynot to Polyglot : How I Started with Zero Language Interest and Became a Language Teacher and Enthusiast. — Guillaume le Polain

In this session I’ll be speaking about my own story as a language learner, how I failed to learn the language of my city at school as a kid to becoming a teacher of that same language as an adult, and continued learning and accumulating new languages over the years

The Literature and Different Languages in Braille — Christina Hope Palmer

Embracing the Differences: Social Media for Curating and Celebrating Linguistic Varieties — Elizabeth Keyton

Language learning and the spread of certain manners of speaking were often dictated to the texts that were circulated in classrooms, and the limited international media that has covered certain regions. However, with social media, there is now an influx of information and samples of local varieties and dialects of languages. Rather than starting comment wars about what is true, pure, or accurate use of language, there is now an opportunity to embrace the differences by describing the unique variations and why they exist.

Anita Sachariah, Jessica Kumar, Richa Joshi & Aditi Wardhan Singh — Challenges Diaspora Face in Raising Multilingual & Multicultural Families

When families emigrate, what challenges do they face in passing on their language and culture? Why are some communities successful whereas others give up and adopt English only? How can we support immigrant parents and communities to support learning at home? #normalizemultilingualism #learnheritagelanguages

How Language Learning Expands Your Identity — Jessica Kumar

The dissonance caused by learning a new culture and language can be one of the most disorienting things that humans can go through. How can one respectfully and responsibly learn a new language without doing harm to those around them or losing themselves in the process? Join Jessica Kumar, Invisible India Podcast host and lifelong Hindi learner as she guides us through being aware of our own motivations, practicing cultural humility and decolonizing the language learning process.

High Tech, High Touch: Technology's Contribution to Family Ties and Heritage Language Preservation — Pona Tran

In this storytelling session, Pona Tran, a Chinese Canadian educator, shares how the evolution of basic technology has helped her immigrant family regain connections to relatives, and how it has supported her efforts to preserve her heritage language. When her family members first immigrated to Canada in the late 1980s, the only ways to reconnect with family “back home” were calling cards and letters. But with time, correspondence slows down, and connections may be lost. In his late 60s, Pona’s father learned to use social media to reconnect with his family in Vietnam, who speak Teochew (a dialect of Chinese). Technology has helped the extended family remain close despite geographic, linguistic, and cultural barriers, and acts as a bridge to preserve their heritage language overseas.

Your voice is global — Dolores R. Guiñazú & Karen Cavanna

The world is multilingual. Your voice, though unique is valid and international. We have to trust the power of communication and connection with the global world #translation #culture #podcast #oral #technology #humans #artificialintelligence

Cultural Entrepreneurship: How Art, Culture and Tourism work as great synergy — Brenda Ortiz Clarke

In this session I’ll share about the two brands I run: #BLOCArtPeru and #TailoredToursPeru which are good examples on how arts and culture can be shared through different approaches for a local and international audience. #TTPeru #BrendaOrtizClarke #BLOCArtPlatform #Artrepreneur

Ancient & Mysterious...the Basque culture and language continues to survive — Esther Ciganda

The dissonance caused by learning a new culture and language can be one of the most disorienting things that humans can go through. How can one respectfully and responsibly learn a new language without doing harm to those around them or losing themselves in the process? Join Jessica Kumar, Invisible India Podcast host and lifelong Hindi learner as she guides us through being aware of our own motivations, practicing cultural humility and decolonizing the language learning process.

Language Learning in XR — Murewa Olubela & Sara Smith

XR can enhance language learning, providing students with immersion and simulation of realistic language environments. By expanding the range of activities, students can gain hands-on experience, and master topics that can be learned as skills, instead of abstract knowledge.

Misty Cozac & Carlos Ernesto Saladen Vargas and Dr. Paula Weaver — Internationalization and English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI)

Many post-secondary institutions have #internationalization listed as one of their strategic goals, but what does that mean and how is it achieved. This session will look at internationalization through teaching, particularly through English as a Medium of Instruction (#EMI).

Connecting Through and Playing With Language — Etai Nahary

Come and join me as I take you through my unique journey and relationship with all the languages in my ever-expanding sandbox. Find out how language learning has shaped my worldview and how I navigate through life.

Who does English belong to? — Deepika Vasudevan & Yazzy Ares

It is the need of the hour to teach and learn English not as a language that belongs to a handful of countries in power, but as one that belongs to the world.

Future-Proofing Translation and Localization — Marina Gracen-Farrell & Carrie Livermore Fisher

There’s been a lot of speculation about the future of translation and localization with the advent of AI and automated processes. We’ll discuss what do we need to do as an industry, and as individuals supporting the work, supporting ourselves working in this field. #futureproofL10N

Stand Up to Native Speakerism — Christina Hilton & Csabi Berger, Deepika Vasudevan, Lara Bediones & Sulaiman Jenkins

A passport is not a teaching qualification! In this talk, international speakers of English will come together to discuss definitions, provide diverse perspectives and share experiences of the pervasive act of native speakerism in the ELT industry, and ways we can combat it.

Imbedding Culture within the Early Childhood classrooms — Hannoush

My session will focus on ways early childhood educators can run a culturally strong and culturally supportive classroom in partnership with the families that they serve.

A Peak Behind the Curtain — Brennon Ramsey

Join me for a brief talk as we delve into lesser-known languages from around the world, starting in California, flying over to Northern Japan, and finally sailing to the Andaman Isles of India.

Día de Muertos: Tradición Mexicana — Magali G Carvajal

Te contaré del origen y el significado de esta celebración tan importante en la cultura mexicana.

El simbolismo de la ofrenda y los elementos que la conforman, así como las diferentes festividades qué hay en el país y algunos datos curiosos acerca de esta temporada.