Why Attend?

The Polyglot Conference 2024 Global Edition will bring together language enthusiasts from around the world, allowing them to meet other language enthusiasts and focus on language in a way that most of us are unable to do in our daily lives.

The conference consists of a week of language talks on diverse subjects such as the latest research into polyglots and polyglottery, workplace applications of polyglot skills, language families or individual languages, linguistics, new learning resources and techniques, and language themes relating to the history and culture of the host city.

This year we will have various online activities, to let you interact with polyglots from around the globe. It’s a time for all language enthusiasts to spend time with kindred spirits.

During the Polyglot Conference, you will be able to speak in numerous foreign languages if you are so inclined.

You can meet professionals and entrepreneurs and get the support needed to advance your own language learning. You can enjoy the company of others who share your linguistic interests. In off hours, we invite you to enjoy and learn about Mexico and the wider region, a fascinating country with a unique cultural and linguistic heritage.

Participants have described their experience at our previous events, in Budapest, Novi Sad, New York, Thessaloniki, Reykjavik, Ljubljana, and Fukuoka as deeply inspiring, moving, even life-changing. Find out for yourself this year in October!